Volunteer Opportunities
The Opportunity Listings page allows you to view the volunteering opportunities that are currently available.
You can filter the opportunities that you see by specifying one or more search values and clicking the "Search" button. The system will display matching opportunities.
If no search value is specified, all current opportunities will be displayed.
If there are more than 10 matching items, use the Paging controls to see additional pages.
Note: 'Spots Left' may include volunteers that are needed for some slots that are not visible to non-members. Login to see the full list of slots available.
GL Website Editor Apprentice
Starts: September 20, 2022
Finishes: December 31, 2030
1 Spots Left
Location: Work from home
Address: NY United States of America
Available Slots
Date: 12/2/2030
Time: 12:00 AM - 11:45 PM
IGNORE date/time for this. Time and dates are flexible and ongoing. Learn to use our ClubExpress website system to maintain the website, create events, manage memberships, etc. Support other users of the website. Good general computer skills are needed. Some simple HTML knowledge is helpful, but can be learned during training.
Required: 3
Dates & Times are flexible. Help with administering the Golden Link website. Train for a potential role as the Golden Link Webmaster.