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Reflections on the 2021 Turtle Hill Festival
By Val Fowler
Posted: 2021-09-21T15:30:00Z

DEDICATED to the planners and volunteers of the 2021 Turtle Hill Festival, and to the 190 people who attended. 

Well over a year ago Bill Staines was thrilled at the invitation to perform. His set was a poignant history of his writing, and his stranding as the “most invited performer” of Golden link. His set included many of his songs sung at our sing arounds. As I heard them, I “saw” the persons who have sung those songs for and with us. I believe Bill would appreciate being a “guest” for this column. 

. . . If a song is universal enough and has something of quality to offer, it will shortly begin to develop its own relationship with people. These relationships, as they multiply and develop, will at some point in time, come to have nothing to do with the songwriter at all. The songs will form their own connections with each new listener.

If I am asked whether or not I like the way a particular artist has sung or recorded one of my songs, I must only respond by saying that I am glad that the song has found another friend. The song has come into a life of its own, and although I may be very proud of the song, it will make its own way and do what it will do by itself in this world.

… I can only hope that [my songs]will, in some way, come to teach, or garner joy, or elicit a tear from a barren heart. I can only hope that it will bring understanding where there was none before.

A song is truly capable of all this. A song will carry a human spirit far above anything that could drag that spirit down.

As long as there is a song to be sung, there will always be the light of hope and a measure of dreams. . . . 

~~ From Music to Me, “Introduction”

Our efforts are not about “us;” but rather about what happens through and beyond us. That can be said for the people who artfully planned the first picnic 50 years ago, and the first Festival 49 years ago. I can only hope that when Golden Linkers bring off the 75th Festival, they will be as grateful for what we provided as we are for those who dreamed and enjoyed the first!

Val Fowler - Golden Link President